Hand Powered: Traditional Land Based Skills
Drystone walling
Contract work and tuition
Danny has been drystone walling professionally since 2017 across the Peak District and South Yorkshire. We offer private contract work and training, having worked extensively teaching volunteers to drystone wall for several Wildlife Trusts and the RSPB. Danny and Helene are proud to have helped to up-skill volunteers and local people to preserve this ancient craft.
We are happy to work on private contract work or deliver training sessions to both individuals or interested groups.
Contract walling: £180.00 per day per person or up to £50 per metre depending on height and condition of the wall. Please contact me for more details.
Walling Tuition (individuals or groups): £180.00 per day (1-2 people), £95.00 per day per person (3-8 people)
Discounts available for multiple day bookings and for charities and conservation bodies. See Events page for course dates or book a date with us that is convenient to you
All courses with 5 or more attendees will be delivered by two tutors.
We provide all the equipment on courses, this includes necessary PPE.
Mileage will be charged at 50p per mile for all bookings.
Tel: 07834240559
Email: hand.powered@yahoo.com
Members of the Scythe Association of Britain & Ireland http://scytheassociation.org/ and the National Hedgelaying Society https://www.hedgelaying.org.uk/
Copyright 2025 Danny Hodgson